The abbreviation “Reltest” stands for Reliability & Testing and eponymous represents our core competencies, which lie in the areas of reliability technology and testing. In times of increasing customer requirements and at the same time ever more complex mechatronic solutions, we provide the necessary know-how to ensure reliability and service life.
We at RelTest-Solutions are three mechanical engineers and during our time as academic employees in the field of reliability technology at the Institute for Machine Elements at the University of Stuttgart, we recognized the increasing need for efficient and intelligent protection solutions. Well-known customers at national and international level have been benefiting from our know-how since 2016.
Our publications
M. Dazer, A. Grundler, P. Mell ; M. Arndt: Verknüpfung von Simulation und Realprüfung für effiziente Zuverlässigkeitsfreigaben; DVM-Workshop Prüfmethodik für Betriebsfestigkeitsversuche in der Fahrzeugindustrie,DVM,DVM,(Mai 2022)385
Borschewski, David ; Albrecht, Stefan ; Bischoff, Manfred ; Blandini, Lucio ; Bosch, Matthias ; Dazer, Martin ; Efinger, Dshamil ; Eisenbarth, Christina ; u.a.: Ökobilanzierung adaptiver Hüllen und Strukturen. In: Bautechnik. Bd. 99 (2022), Nr. 10, S. 731–745 — IMA-ZUV 402
Efinger, Dshamil ; Ostertag, Andreas ; Dazer, Martin ; Borschewski, Davi ; Albrecht, Stefan ; Bertsche, Bernd: Reliability as a Key Driver for a Sustainable Design of Adaptive Load-Bearing Structures. In: Sustainability. (2022), Nr. 14(2) — IMA-ZUV 380
Göldenboth, Marcel ; Grundler, Alexander ; Dazer, Martin: Reliability Demonstration of the Entirety of Cells from a High-Voltage Battery Using Prior Knowledge of Degradation Simulations. In: Proceedings of the 32nd European Safety and Reliability Conference (ESREL 2022), 2022. — ISBN 978-981-18-5183-4 — IMA-ZUV 400
Kilian, Philipp ; Koller, Oliver ; van Bergen, Patrick ; Gebauer, Carsten; Heidinger, Frederic ; Dazer, Martin: Emergency Operation in the Power Supply Domain According to ISO 26262 (2022) — IMA-ZUV 387
Arndt, Marco ; Dazer, Martin ; Bertsche, Bernd: Reliability-Based Decision Methodology for Stress-Strength Optimization of Machine Components. In: Proceedings of the Annual Reliability and Maintainability Symposium 2022, 2022. — ISBN 978-1-6654-2432-5
Grundler, Alexander ; Dazer, Martin ; Herzig, Thomas: Statistical Power Analysis in Reliability Demonstration Testing: The Probability of Test Success. In: Applied Sciences. Bd. 12 (2022), Nr. 6190 — IMA-ZUV 388
Dazer, Martin ; Grundler, Alexander ; Benz, Achim ; Arndt, Marco ; Mell, Philipp: Pitfalls of Zero Failure Testing for Reliability Demonstration. In: Proceedings of the 31st European Safety and Reliability Conference : Research Publishing, Singapore, 2022. — ISBN 978-981-18-5183-4, S. 1639–1646 — IMA-ZUV 399
Hintz, Kim ; Diesch, Martin ; Dazer, Martin ; Bertsche, Bernd: Availability Analysis of Photovoltaic System Concepts to Derive Reliability Requirements for Inverter(s). In: Annual Reliability and Maintainability Symposium 2022 : IEEE, 2022 — IMA-ZUV 383
Mell, Philipp ; Karle, Fabian ; Herzig, Thomas ; Dazer, Martin ; Bertsche, Bernd: Accelerating Optimal Test Planning With Artificial Neural Networks. In: 2022 Annual Reliability and Maintainablity Symposium, 2022 — IMA-ZUV 371
Dazer, Martin ; Grundler, Alexander ; Mell, Philipp ; Benz, Achim ; Arndt, Marco: Risk Based Reliability Demonstration Test Planning for Decision Making Under Uncertainty. In: 16th Probabilistic Safety Assessment & Management Conference (PSAM 16), 2022 — IMA-ZUV 392
Benz, Achim ; Grundler, Alexander ; Dazer, Martin ; Bertsche, Bernd: Influence of Operating Load Spectra Shapes on Reliability Demonstration Test Planning. In: 16th Probabilistic Safety Assessment & Management Conference (PSAM 16), 2022 — IMA-ZUV 394
Hintz, Kim ; Dazer, Martin: Investigation of Inverter Reliability and Repair Strategy on the Availability of Photovoltaic Systems under Economic Aspects. In: 16th Probabilistic Safety Assessment & Management Conference (PSAM 16), 2022 — IMA-ZUV 397
Dazer, Martin ; Grundler, Alexander ; Mell, Philipp ; Arndt, Marco: Verknüpfung von Simulation und Realprüfung für effiziente Zuverlässigkeitsfreigaben. In: DVM-Workshop Prüfmethodik für Betriebsfestigkeitsversuche in der Fahrzeugindustrie : DVM, 2022 — IMA-ZUV 385
Mell, Philipp ; Arndt, Marco ; Dazer, Martin: Non-orthogonality in test design: practical relevance of the theoretical concept in terms of regression quality and test plan efficiency. In: 16th Probabilistic Safety Assessment & Management Conference (PSAM 16), 2022 — IMA-ZUV 390
Mell, Philipp ; Dazer, Martin ; Bertsche, Bernd: Wie lange läuft der E-Motor von morgen? In: WiGeP-News Juli 2022. (2022), Nr. 1, S. 9–10 — IMA-ZUV 395
Waldhauer, Felix ; Boukabache, Hamza ; Perrin, Daniel ; Dazer, Martin: Wavelet-based Noise Extraction for Anomaly Detection Applied to Safety-Critical Electronics at CERN. In: Proceedings of the 32nd European Safety and Reliability Conference (ESREL 2022), 2022. — ISBN 978-981-18-5183-4 — IMA-ZUV 401
Arndt, Marco ; Mell, Philipp ; Dazer, Martin: Generic effects of deviations from test design orthogonality on test power and regression modelling of Central-Composite Designs. In: 16th Probabilistic Safety Assessment & Management Conference (PSAM 16), 2022 — IMA-ZUV 391
Benz, Achim ; Grundler, Alexander ; Herzig, Thomas ; Dazer, Martin ; Bertsche, Bernd: Reliability Demonstration Test Planning for Field Load Spectra – an Approach for Identifying the Optimal Test Parameters considering Individual Cost and Time Constraints. In: Annual Reliability and Maintainability Symposium 2022 Proceedings, 2022. — ISBN 978-1-6654-2432-5 — IMA-ZUV 382
Grundler, Alexander ; Dazer, Martin ; Bertsche, Bernd: Efficient Reliability Demonstration using the Probability of Test Success and Bayes Theorem. In: 16th Probabilistic Safety Assessment & Management Conference (PSAM 16), 2022 — IMA-ZUV 393
Kilian, Philipp ; Koller, Oliver ; van Bergen, Patrick ; Gebauer, Carsten ; Dazer, Martin: Safety-Related Availability in the Power Supply Domain (2022) — IMA-ZUV 386
Lucan, Kevin: Methodische Ermittlung von repräsentativen Lastkollektiven am Beispiel der Nutzfahrzeugbremse, Dissertation 2021; ISBN 978-3-936100-12-9, Institutsbericht Nr. 199
Dazer, Martin ; Ostertag, Andreas ; Herzig, Thomas ; Borschewski, David ; Albrecht, Stefan ; Bertsche, Bernd: Consideration of reliability and sustainability in mechanical and civil engineering design to reduce oversizing without risking disasters. In: The 10Th International Conference on Life Cycle Management : E3S Web of Conferences, 2021 — IMA-ZUV 373
Grundler, Alexander ; Dazer, Martin ; Herzig, Thomas ; Bertsche, Bernd: Efficient System Reliability Demonstration Tests Using the Probability of Test Success. In: Proceedings of the 31st European Safety and Reliability Conference : Research Publishing, Singapore, 2021. — ISBN 978-981-18-2016-8 — IMA-ZUV 374
Hintz, Kim ; Dazer, Martin ; Bertsche, Bernd: Zuverlässigkeitstechnik für eine effiziente Erzeugung erneuerbarer Energien. In: WiGeP-News Juli 2021. (2021) — IMA-ZUV 398
Herzig, Thomas ; Dazer, Martin ; Grundler, Alexander ; Bertsche, Bernd: Ressource-efficient Gear Wheel Design considering early planning of Reliability Demonstration Tests. In: Proceedings of NAFEMS Conference: Integration von Simulation und Test in der Produktentwicklung : NAFEMS Deutschland, Österreich, Schweiz GmbH, 2021 — IMA-ZUV 368
Grundler, Alexander ; Dazer, Martin ; Bertsche, Bernd: Effect of Uncertainty in Prior Knowledge on Test Planning for a Brake Caliper using the Probability of Test Success. In: 2021 Proc. Ann. Reliability & Maintainability Symp. : IEEE, 2021. — ISBN 978-1-7281-8017-5 — IMA-ZUV 364
Dazer, Martin: Taking Advantage of Smart Data in Reliability Assurance and Product Design. In: Reliability Seminar 2021, 2021 — IMA-ZUV 378
Kroner, Andreas ; Herzig, Thomas ; Dazer, Martin ; Bertsche, Bernd: Method for non-destructive Condition Evaluation of Transmission Components for a second Product Life based on efficient Lifetime Tests. In: NAFEMS Integration von Simulation und Test in der Produktentwicklung, 2021 — IMA-ZUV 249
Dazer, Martin ; Messner, Maik: Theoretische Aufwertungsmöglichkeiten von einkanaligen mechatronischen Sicherheitsfunktionen in die Kategorie 2 Struktur nach ISO 13849 auf Basis von Standard SPS. In: METAV Digital, 2021 — IMA-ZUV 372
Dazer, Martin ; Grundler, Alexander ; Herzig, Thomas ; Engert, Daniel ; Bertsche, Bernd: Effect of Interval Censoring on the Probability of Test Success in Reliability Demonstration. In: 2021 Annual Reliability and Maintainability Symposium (RAMS), 2021 — IMA-ZUV 363
Kilian, Philipp ; Köhler, Armin ; Schneider, Martin ; Tomanic, Tihomir ; Dazer, Martin: Advanced Modelling of Diagnostics in an FTA. In: safetronic. 2021: Fraunhofer IKS, 2021 — IMA-ZUV 379
Arndt, Marco ; Dazer, Martin ; Rötting, Jens ; Bertsche, Bernd: Probabilistic Reliability Analysis of Screw Connections in Cast Aluminum Housings. In: Proceedings of the 31st European Safety and Reliability Conference : Research Publishing, Singapore, 2021. — ISBN 978-981-18-2016-8, S. 2791–2798 — IMA-ZUV 376
Benz, Achim ; Grundler, Alexander ; Dazer, Martin ; Bertsche, Bernd: Deriving Prior Knowledge from Lifetime Simulations for Reliability Demonstration while Considering the Uncertainty of the Lifetime Model. In: Proceedings of the 31st European Safety and Reliability Conference : Research Publishing, Singapore, 2021. — ISBN 978-981-18-2016-8 — IMA-ZUV 375
Dazer, Martin ; Grundler, Alexander ; Gretzinger, Yvonne ; Bertsche, Bernd: Reliability in Product Design – The Key for Managing Uncertainty of New Technologies to Prevent Oversizing. In: 46th MPA-Seminar, 2021 — IMA-ZUV 377
Kroner, Andreas ; Herzig, Thomas ; Dazer, Martin ; Bertsche, Bernd: Method for non-destructive Condition Evaluation of Transmission Components for a second Product Life based on efficient Lifetime Tests. In: NAFEMS Integration von Simulation und Test in der Produktentwicklung, 2021 — IMA-AT 249
Gretzinger, Yvonne ; Kroner, Andreas ; Henß, Mark ; Dazer, Martin ; Bertsche, Bernd: Extended Evaluation of Pitting Degradation Tests to Increase the Remaining Useful Life of Gear Wheels. In: IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering. Bd. 1097 (2021), Nr. 012006 — IMA-AT 247
Lucan, Kevin; Bertsche, Bernd: Methodische Ermittlung von repräsentativen Lastkollektiven für eine belastungsgerechte Produktauslegung. In: Stuttgarter Symposium für Produktentwicklung 2021, 2021
Ostertag, Andreas; Dazer, Martin; Bertsche, Bernd: Methode zur zuverlässigen, sicheren und nachhaltigen Auslegung Adaptiver Tragwerke. In: Stuttgarter Symposium für Produktentwicklung 2021, 2021
Grundler, Alexander ; Göldenboth, Marcel ; Stoffers, Frédéric ; Dazer, Martin ; Bertsche, Bernd: Effiziente Zuverlässigkeitsabsicherung durch Berücksichtigung von Simulationsergebnissen am Beispiel einer Hochvolt-Batterie. In: 30. VDI-Fachtagung Technische Zuverlässigkeit 2021. Düsseldorf : VDI Verlag GmbH, 2021. — ISBN 978-3-18-092377-2 , S. 75–88
Karthaus, Carsten ; Behrendt, Harald ; Dazer, Martin ; Bertsche, Bernd:Effektivitätssteigerung eines Prüffelds zur Fahrbarkeitsmessung durch statistische Datenanalyse. In: ATZ – Automobiltechnische Zeitschrift. Bd. 123 (2021), Nr. 1, S. 68–72
Gretzinger, Yvonne ; Kroner, Andreas ; Henß, Mark ; Dazer, Martin ; Bertsche, Bernd: Extended Evaluation of Pitting Degradation Tests to Increase the Remaining Useful Life of Gear Wheels. In: IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering. Bd. 1097 (2021), Nr. 012006
Benz, Achim ; Hintz, Kim ; Diesch, Martin ; Dazer, Martin ; Bertsche, Bernd: Zuverlässigkeitsanalyse von PV-Anlagen und Wechselrichtern. In: , 2021
Herzig, Thomas ; Dazer, Martin ; Grundler, Alexander ; Bertsche, Bernd: Evaluation of Optimality Criteria for Efficient Reliability Demonstration Testing. In: 30th European Safety and Reliability Conference ESREL 2020, The 15th Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management Conference PSAM 15, 2020 — IMA-ZUV 348
Müller, Frank ; Dazer, Martin ; Bertsche, Bernd: Maintainability. In: Integrated Design Engineering : Springer Nature Switzerland AG, 2020. — ISBN 978-3-030-19356-0, S. 333–340 — IMA-ZUV 350
Dazer, Martin ; Hügle, Dennis ; Bertsche, Bernd ; Messner, Maik ; Beck, Eberhard ; Mödden, Heinrich: Evaluation of upgrading options for single-channel mechatronic safety functions into category 2 structure according to ISO 13849 based on standard PLC’s. In: Proceedings of the 30th European Safety and Reliability Conference and 15th Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management Conference : Research publishing, 2020 — IMA-ZUV 344
Diesch, Martin ; Dazer, Martin ; Bubolz, Thomas ; Bertsche, Bernd: REMAINING USEFUL LIFE PREDICTION OF A TURBINE HOUSING USING A SOFT SENSOR APPROACH. In: 7th International Conference Integrity-Reliability-Failure, 2020, S. 711–718 — IMA-ZUV 345
Ostertag, Andreas ; Schlegl, Friederike ; Gienger, Andreas ; Wagner, Julia ; Dazer, Martin ; Bertsche, Bernd ; Albrecht, Stefan ; Leistner, Philip ; u. a.: Reliable Design of Adaptive Load-bearing Structures with Focus on Sustainability. In: Proc. of the European Safety and Reliability Conf. and the Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management Conf.. Singapore : Research Publishing, 2020 — IMA-ZUV 343
Dazer, Martin ; Bertsche, Bernd ; Vajna, Sandor: Fulfilment Attributes. In: . 2. Aufl. : Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020, 2020. — ISBN 978-3-030-19357-7, S. 383–418 — IMA-ZUV 349
Gretzinger, Yvonne ; Dazer, Martin ; Bertsche, Bernd: Using Life Data of Competing Failure Modes to Increase the Remaining Useful Life of Gear Wheels. In: RAMS 2020 Conference, 2020 — IMA-AT 244
Gretzinger, Yvonne ; Lucan, Kevin ; Stoll, Christian ; Bertsche, Bernd: Lifetime Extension of Gear Wheels using an Adaptive Operating Strategy. In: Proceedings IRF2020: 7th International Conference Integrity-Reliability-Failure, 2020, S. 703–710 — IMA-AT 245
Dazer, M.; Grundler, A.; Herzig, T.; Berschte, B. : R-OPTIMA – Optimal planning of reliability tests: Proc of the 7th International Conference Integrity-Reliability-Failure, 2020, S. 695-702.
Herzig, T.; Dazer, M.; Grundler, A.; Berschte, B. : Integrating accelerated life tests into optimal test planning: Proc of the 7th International Conference Integrity-Reliability-Failure, 2020, S. 665-672.
Grundler, A.; Dazer, M.; Herzig, T.; Berschte, B. : Considering multiple failure mechanisms in optimal test design: Proc of the 7th International Conference Integrity-Reliability-Failure, 2020, S. 673-682.
Diesch, M. ; Dazer, M. ;Lucan, K., Bubolz, T. ; Berschte, B. : Soft Sensor Application to predict remaining useful Life of Components of the Exhaust System of Diesel Engines : RAMS 2020 Conference (Annual Reliability and Maintainablity Symposium), 27.01.-30.01.2020, Palm Springs,CA, USA.
Gretzinger, M. Dazer, and B. Bertsche: Using Life Data of Competing Failure Modes to Increase the Remaining Useful Life of Gear Wheels, in RAMS 2020 Conference, Palm Springs, CA, USA, 2020.
Grundler, M. Dazer, and B. Bertsche, Reliability-Test Planning Considering Multiple Failure Mechnaisms and System Levels – An Approach for Identifying the Optimal System-Test Level, Type, and Configuration with Regard to Individual Cost and Time Constraints in Annual Reliability and Maintainability Symposium, RAMS 2020, 2020.
Dazer, Martin: Zuverlässigkeitstestplanung mit Berücksichtigung von Vorwissen aus stochastischen Lebensdauerberechnungen, Dissertation 2019; ISBN 978-3-936100-91-4; Institutsbericht Nr. 190
Gretzinger, Yvonne ; Dazer, Martin ; Bertsche, Bernd: Lebensdauerpotentiale bei der Schadensart Zahnradgrübchen. In: Dresdner Maschinenelemente Kolloquium : sierke Verlag, 2019. — ISBN 978-3-96548-055-1, S. 209–218
Kremer, A. ; Bertsche, B.:A Methodology for Consideration of Uncertainty in Lifetime Design of Experiments, Proc. RAMS 2019 Conference (Annual Reliability and Maintainablity Symposium), 28.01.-31.01.2019, Orlando, FL, USA.
Lucan, K. ; Dazer, M. ; Hintz, K. ; Bertsche, B.: Effect of Competing Failure Modes on the System Reliability Estimation: Proc. RAMS 2019 Conference (Annual Reliability and Maintainablity Symposium), 28.01.-31.01.2019, Orlando, FL, USA. ISBN 978-1-5386-6554-1/19.
Herzig, T. ; Grundler, A. ; Dazer, M. ; Bertsche, B.: Cost- and Time-effective Planning of Accelerated Reliability Demonstration Tests – A new Approach of comparing the Expenditure of Success Run and End-of-Life Tests: Proc. RAMS 2019 Conference (Annual Reliability and Maintainablity Symposium), 28.01.-31.01.2019, Orlando, FL, USA.
Lucan, K. ; Bersche, B. :Standard-Lastkollektive für die Nutzfahrzeugbremse ; Automobil-technische Zeitschrift, Springer Vieweg Jahrgang 121, 05/2019, S. 78-83.
Lucan, K. ; Bertsche, B. : Standard Load Spectra for Commercial Vehicle Brakes. EuroBrake 2019 21.5-23.5 2019, Dresden.
Henß, M. ; Kemmler, S. ;Kremer, A. ;Bertsche, B. :Regression with individual weigths to prevent overfitting. Forschung im Ingenieurwesen, Springer: Berlin, Heidelberg, 2019, DOI: 1007/s10010-019-00301-4.
Herzig, T. ; Dazer, M. ; Bertsche, B. : Zuverlässigkeitsabsicherung ressourcenschonender Produkte durch effiziente Erprobungsplanung. Stuttgarter Symposium für Produktentwicklung 2019 (SSP2019), Stuttgart, 2019.
Schleinkofer, U. ; Dazer, M. ; Lucan, K. ;Mannuß, O. ; Bertsche, B. ; Bauernhansl, T. :Framework for Robust Design and Reliability Methods to Develop Frugal Manufacturing Systems. CIRP Manufacturing Systems Conference 2019, Ljubljana, Slowenien, 2019.
Kremer, A. ; Bertsche, B. : A New Approach for Parametrizing Multidimensional Lifetime Models, Proc. ESREL 2019 Conference, 22.06-26.09.2019, Hannover, Deutschland, ISBN 978-981-11-2724-3, pp. 723-730.
Kremer, A; Bertsche, B.; Scholzen, A.: The influence of environmental and manufacturing conditions on lifetime and reliability predictions for industrial timing belt drives. Forschung im Ingenieurwesen, Springer: Berlin, Heidelberg, 2019, DOI: 10.1007/s10010-019-00381-2.
Kremer, A.; Bertsche, B.; Scholzen, A.: Verbesserte Auslegung industrieller Zahnriemenantriebe durch Analyse von Breitenfaktoren und der Alterung. Dresdner Maschinenelemente Kolloquium 2019, 26.-27.11.2019, Dresden, sierke Verlag, ISBN 978-3-96548-055-1.
Gretzinger, M. Dazer, and B. Bertsche,Lebensdauerpotentiale bei der Schadensart Zahnradgrübchen, in Dresdner Maschinenelemente Kolloquium, Dresden, 2019, pp. 209–218.
Kremer, A.; Bertsche, B.:Experimentelle Untersuchungen von Breitenfaktoren und der Alterung zur Verbesserung der Auslegung von industriellen Zahnriemengetrieben. VDI-Fachkonferenz: Umschlingungsgetriebe 2019. 11.-12. Dezember 2019, Stuttgart.
Diesch, M.; Bubolz, T.; Dazer, M.; Lucan, K.; Bertsche, B.: Application of virtual sensors for stress-related design and operation-specific lifetime prognosis. HEAVY-DUTY-, ON- UND OFF-HIGHWAY-MOTOREN 2019 14. Internationale MTZ-Fachtagung Großmotoren.
Dazer, M.; Bräutigam, D.; Leopold, T.; Bertsche, B.: Optimal planning of reliability life tests considering prior knowledge. Proc. RAMS 2018, 22.01 – 25.01.2018, Reno, USA.
Lucan, K; Dazer, M.; Waller, J.; Bertsche, B.: Analysis of the Weibull Estimation for Competing Failure Modes. Proc. RAMS 2018, 22.01 – 25.01.2018, Reno, USA.
Kremer, A.; Bertsche, B.:Versuchsbasierte Lebensdauerprognose von Zahnriemengetrieben. DVM Workshop ZuMAS (Zuverlässigkeit mechatronischer und adaptronischer Systeme), 27.-28. Februar 2018, BMW Group Forschungs- und Innovationszentrum FIZ, München.
Müller, K., Dazer, M., Cheng Wen, P., Bertsche, B.:Fatigue Reliability Assessment For Floating Wind Turbines. In: Proceedings of Wind Europe Conference 2018, 25.-28.09.2018, Hamburg, Germany.
Kremer, A.; Bertsche, B.; Scholzen, A.: Ermittlung von lebensdauerbeeinflussenden Faktoren bei Zahnriemengetrieben. Antriebstechnik, Vereinigte Fachverlage GmbH, Jahrgang 74, 11/2018, S.148-153.
Kremer, A.; Bertsche, B.; Scholzen A.: Methodik zur Prognose der Lebensdauer von Zahnriemengetrieben. Schweizer Maschinenelemente Kolloquium SMK 2018. 27.-28. November 2018, Rapperswil, Schweiz; KISSsoft AG (Hrsg.); TUDpress, 2018 – ISBN 978-3-95908-150-4.
Dazer, M. Henß, and B. Bertsche, Zuverlässigkeit und Betriebsfestigkeit, in Handbuch Konstruktion, 2nd ed., F. Rieg and R. Steinhilper, Eds. Hanser Verlag, 2018.
Kremer, A.; Bertsche, B.: BeschleunigteZuverlässigkeitstests unter Berücksichtigung von Vertrauensbereichen. Forschung im Ingenieurwesen, Volume 82, Issue 468, Springer: Berlin, Heidelberg, 2018, S. 1-15, DOI: 10.1007/s10010-018-0290-0.
Stohrer, M., Lucan, K., Bertsche, B. :Planung eines Zuverlässigkeits-DoE im Spannungsfeld zwischen Test-Design und Erfolgswahrscheinlichkeit. 28. VDI-Fachtagung Technische Zuverlässigkeit 2017, 17.-18.05.2017, Leonberg, VDI-Berichte 2307, ISBN 978-3-18-092307-9. S. 269-280.
Müller, M. Dazer, and C. Po Wen, Damage Assessment of Floating Offshore Wind Turbines Using Response Surface Modeling, Energy Procedia, vol. 137, pp. 119–133, 2017.
Lucan, K. ; Henß, M. ; Bertsche, B. : Working Group CV-Brakes – Procedure for a Commercial Vehicle Brakes’ Standard. EuroBrake 2017 2.5-4.5 2017, Dresden.
Kemmler, S. ; Dazer, M. ; Leopold, T. ; Bertsche, B. : Lebensdaueranalyse auf Basis von multidimensionaler Zuverlässigkeits- und Robust Design Simualation. VDI-Fachtagung Technische Zuverlässigkeit 2017, 17.-18.05.2017, Leonberg, VDI-Berichte 2307, ISBN 978-3-18-092307-9.
Dazer, P. Höller, T. Leopold, and B. Bertsche, Stochastic fatigue calculations using an accelerated 3-step multilinear kinematic hardening model of spheroidal graphite iron, in Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Mechanics and Materials in Design, Albufeira, Portugal, 2017, pp. 217–228.
Dazer, M.; Stohrer, M.; Kemmler, S.; Bertsche, B.:Planning of reliability life tests within the accuracy, time and cost triangle, Accelerated Stress Testing and Reliability (ASTR) Conference, 28.09 – 30.10.2016, Pensacola Beach, Florida, USA.
Dazer, M. ; Leopold, T. ;Bertsche, B. :Optimale Lebensdauertestplanung durch Berücksichtigung von Vorkenntnissen aus stochastischen Betriebsfestigkeitssimulationen, SIMVEC 2016, 22.11-23.11.2016, Baden-Baden.
Dazer, S. Kemmler, T. Leopold, J. Fricke, and B. Bertsche, Stochastic simulation approach for realistic lifetime forecast and assurance of commercial vehicle braking systems, in 12th Optimization and Stochastic Days 2015, Weimarhalle, Weimar, Germany, 2015.